If You Want To Lose Weight Fast, Read This First: 5 Tips To Lose Fat Safely & Sustainably

Straight up, trying to lose weight fast (for whatever reason) isn't the safest or smartest way to go about changing your body composition. From crash dieting to cutting out entire food groups, the internet is choc-full of quick (but unsustainable) ways to achieve quick weight loss. Depending on how you go about it, sensible or silly, your likelihood of maintaining or sustaining any sort of weight loss will be very different. Also, the type of weight you lose will be different. (Take this as your sign to stop searching 'how can I lose weight fast', it's probably not what you want at all.) Drastically cutting calories and depriving your body of essential minerals and vitamins can result in a lower number on the scale but you might not actually lose body fat – which is what most people really mean when they say they want to know how to lose weight quickly. However, there are ways to lose weight well and efficiently – from eating enough to setting realistic goals, we rounde...