If You Want To Lose Weight Fast, Read This First: 5 Tips To Lose Fat Safely & Sustainably

Straight up, trying to lose weight fast (for whatever reason) isn't the safest or smartest way to go about changing your body composition. From crash dieting to cutting out entire food groups, the internet is choc-full of quick (but unsustainable) ways to achieve quick weight loss.

Depending on how you go about it, sensible or silly, your likelihood of maintaining or sustaining any sort of weight loss will be very different. Also, the type of weight you lose will be different. (Take this as your sign to stop searching 'how can I lose weight fast', it's probably not what you want at all.)

Drastically cutting calories and depriving your body of essential minerals and vitamins can result in a lower number on the scale but you might not actually lose body fat – which is what most people really mean when they say they want to know how to lose weight quickly.

However, there are ways to lose weight well and efficiently – from eating enough to setting realistic goals, we rounded up the best expert tips to keep your fat loss journey on track in a safe, sustainable way.

Quick one: the following tips are for those with excess weight to lose. If you're already at a healthy weight, trying to lose weight fast - or at all - is not advised. The team at WH want to empower women with the tools to build a healthy body for life. 

Before beginning any weight loss program please consult your GP.

1. Be realistic about timelines

There's trying to lose weight fast and there's losing weight for good, efficiently. A nuanced difference but a difference nonetheless.

As a rule of thumb (according to the experts and recent NHS guidance) safe weight loss is around 0.5 to 2 pounds per week, although this can change depending on how much you have to lose. The more you have, the quicker your initial rate of weight loss is likely to be although this will slow eventually.

Losing weight more quickly than this for a prolonged period of time can result in:

  • Malnutrition
  • Gallstones
  • Lethargy
  • Damage to your metabolism
  • One thing to remember, due to hormone fluctuations and other bodily processes, your rate of weight loss might not be the same every week.

    'It's not a linear process,' explains personal trainer Dan Lambert of Maximuscle. 'Some weeks may be higher and some may be lower. To avoid losing motivation, asses your average weekly weight loss across a four-week period, instead.'

    2. Plan your fitness around your life

    We've all been there, a new routine, a fresh dose of willpower and suddenly there's nothing holding us back from our goals.

    Then real life comes knocking, in the form of work, friends, family and stress and the motivation train has been and gone quicker than you can say #dedicated.

    One way to buffer against flash-in-the-pan commitment is to take an honest look at your schedule and see where you can add workouts without throwing your entire life out the window.

    'We have a much greater chance of sustaining a routine if we make sure the time we're allocating to it suits our lifestyle,' says Lambert. 'Try three to four 45 minute gym workouts a week rather than 90-minute workouts five to six days a week.

    'While the less time-intensive routine may burn fewer calories, you're much more likely to stick to adhere to it for the long term.'

    Because (as unsexy as it is) consistent effort over a sustained period of time is where the real results come from – something it can be easy to forget when trying to lose weight fast.

    3. Swerve overreaching

    While we're all about setting big goals (and smashing them out of the park), there is such a thing as doing too much. And that goes double for your fitness and weight loss.

    'Overtraining occurs when a person exceeds their body's ability to recover from training,' says Lambert. 'This usually occurs when we try to adhere to a plan that's too advanced for us, or when we introduce training into a life already overloaded with stress, or when we're not managing other aspects of our health correctly, such as sleep and nutrition.'

    When our bodies can't recover properly, a stress hormone called cortisol is released which can impact our ability to burn fat properly. 'This can actually lead to weight gain,' says Lambert. 'Chronic overtraining may also lead to illness and possibly injury, which puts a halt on our fat loss goals altogether.'

    To recap: go ahead and set the big goals but make sure to break them down into manageable, realistic, chunks that keep you and your body at optimal stress levels.

    4. Make strength training a priority

    Building muscle with regular strength training and resistance training has myriad benefits, one of which is, unsurprisingly, building lean muscle tissue. The more muscle you have, the more energy (and calories) your body has to spend maintaining it.

    'Strength training builds muscle which increases your body's resting metabolic rate and daily calorie expenditure,' explains Lambert. 'Focus on building strength and muscle and lifting with intensity.'

    5. Don't forget about cardio

    Now that we're clear on why strength training is so damn good for fat loss, we gotta get straight on why you shouldn't skimp on cardio either. Besides the cardiovascular (heart) benefits, regular sweaty sessions can help with improving blood pressure, increasing stamina and keeping your mind clear.

    Minute-for-minute, cardio burns more calories than strength training (but the best fitness routines incorporate both), and there are so many types to choose from: swimming, running, cycling, dance workouts, HIIT, the list goes on.

    Keep your heart in peak condition with cardio and your muscles challenged with strength training and you'll be on the path to success in no time.

    Psst, this four-week run plan will get you running for 30 minutes non-stop.

    in addition to these weightloss tips something that can help is the xoth keto bhb read more reviews about it here.


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